Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Dirty Dirty and "Off the Hook! : The Telephone Project"!

Through this project, modeled after the game "telephone," each artist responded to another artist's work by creating a new work that was then passed on to another artist who responded to the previous piece by creating a new work that was then passed on to another artist, and so on, and so on...

The resulting lineage of completed works presents a variety of writings, drawings, paintings, sculptures, collages, mobiles, and photographs that more or less draw from the same inspiration, but the process of translating from one work to another creates an ever-evolving statement.

Artists (in order of appearance)

Urayoan Noel
Michelle Provezano
Jessie Henson
Dan Bina
Julie Candoli
Billie Lee
Sarah Granett
Eric Clausen
Morgan Page
Brent Ridge
Anne Percoco
Katie Overgaard
Ezra Tessler
Jamie Gaul
Ilse Murdock

Saturday, July 30th 5-8pm
The Dirty Dirty
672 Westminster Road
Brooklyn, NY 11230